Thursday, April 24, 2008

From the Website - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more Another day, another sordid Ten Post Round-Up:

1: The war on tourism: So close to 1984…

WARNING - Nothing on your laptop is privateAMERICAblog

2: Manipulating Mother Nature…

Scientists Aim To Alter WeatherBlackListed News

3: Virtual Border Fence: Another Homer Simpson moment brought to you with your tax dollars…

Money Well (Mis)SpentBlondeSense

4: Cha-ching: Sneaks that grow with little feets (and 10% of the proceeds go to a good cause)…

Inchworm TrainersBuzzFeed

5: Crazy: Representative that confronted Colorado’s “favorite” Republican gets death threats…

Bruce Flap Turns Even UglierColorado Pols

6: General Petraeus gets a big promotion…

Petraeus To Become Centcom CommanderCrooks and Liars

7: You know things are bad when “Triple A” says, “Take the &%$# bus!”….

We’re getting hosed by gas prices, and the worst is aheadDaily News

8: Another Iraq milestone: Amusement parks?…

Making Iraq Safe For Theme ParksThe J-Walk Blog

9: The true cost of gasoline?…

from my emaillife’s journey

10: What if you came back from vacation and your home was just…the foundations!?!?…

D.I.Y. Eminent DomainReason Magazine

270 días al final de un error…

(I like my morning cuppa with a little hypocrisy chaser)

Last 5 posts by Dizzy Dezzi

From the Website - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more Another day, another sordid Ten Post Round-Up:

1: The war on tourism: So close to 1984…

WARNING - Nothing on your laptop is privateAMERICAblog

2: Manipulating Mother Nature…

Scientists Aim To Alter WeatherBlackListed News

3: Virtual Border Fence: Another Homer Simpson moment brought to you with your tax dollars…

Money Well (Mis)SpentBlondeSense

4: Cha-ching: Sneaks that grow with little feets (and 10% of the proceeds go to a good cause)…

Inchworm TrainersBuzzFeed

5: Crazy: Representative that confronted Colorado’s “favorite” Republican gets death threats…

Bruce Flap Turns Even UglierColorado Pols

6: General Petraeus gets a big promotion…

Petraeus To Become Centcom CommanderCrooks and Liars

7: You know things are bad when “Triple A” says, “Take the &%$# bus!”….

We’re getting hosed by gas prices, and the worst is aheadDaily News

8: Another Iraq milestone: Amusement parks?…

Making Iraq Safe For Theme ParksThe J-Walk Blog

9: The true cost of gasoline?…

from my emaillife’s journey

10: What if you came back from vacation and your home was just…the foundations!?!?…

D.I.Y. Eminent DomainReason Magazine

270 días al final de un error…

(I like my morning cuppa with a little hypocrisy chaser)

Last 5 posts by Dizzy Dezzi